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picture1_Family Presentation Ppt 78966 | Discipline And Disabilities

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File: Family Presentation Ppt 78966 | Discipline And Disabilities
about the presenters syliva garcia special education interventionist jennifer key ph d licensed psychologist licensed specialist in school psychology valerie weed lisd practicum student doctoral candidate texas woman s university ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 06 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...About the presenters syliva garcia special education interventionist jennifer key ph d licensed psychologist specialist in school psychology valerie weed lisd practicum student doctoral candidate texas woman s university purpose of discipline for children who do not have asd tenets to keep mind want behave and what is expected them if we be successful behaviorally must teach skills behaviors are always appropriate success dependent upon child ability adapt his her environment behavioral equivalent academic common difficulties transitions from preferred non activities or settings surrounding family social routines mealtimes remaining at table engaging bedtime sleep toilet training avoidance sensory sensitivities food refusal avoiding specific locations tasks first determine function better understand why behavior occurs need serves happens immediately before challenging as a result...

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