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picture1_Educational Background For Powerpoint Presentation 72849 | Hrh Prince Mired M2 Thurs Policy Maker Forum

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File: Educational Background For Powerpoint Presentation 72849 | Hrh Prince Mired M2 Thurs Policy Maker Forum
background ministry of education lacked the awareness know how capacity issue was neglected minimal private sector models of inclusion civil society response realization law on the rights of persons with ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 31 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Background ministry of education lacked the awareness know how capacity issue was neglected minimal private sector models inclusion civil society response realization law on rights persons with disabilities national ie strategy children in jordan approx number non school aged not enrolled government schools receiving limited informal ultimate challenge to ensure that all receive quality enabling them become functional and valuable contributors mainstream most inclusive increase address educational requirements who have never or hardly attended myths hayes bulat has a negative impact without is more expensive than special separate isolated classes effective beneficial should be applied even mentioned until after general achieved luxury only developed countries can afford enjoy year launched january comprised eight components policies legislation media advocacy identification diagnosis accessibility reasonable accommodation learning teaching human resources building pre research...

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