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25 Family Practice Articles

icon picture zip Filetype zip | Posted on 21 Jun 2022 | 3 years ago

Andy yahya
Andy yahya

The following is a list of 25 txt files containing articles about Family Practice. These articles can be used as ideas for modifying articles or reposting. Some snippets of file contents have been shown under the title. You can download all these files at once in 1 zip file for free on this page.

1. Building A Patient Base In Family Practice
..... The whole point of a family practice is treating patients. Once the clinic is set up, staffed and all the necessary systems in place, it's time to cultivate a client base. Referrals The first step in getting referrals from other physicians is in letting those physicians know you are available. If you've applied for and been approved for hospital privileges, attend meetings and get to know other physicians. Make an effort to meet local surgeons and other professionals. Social workers, dentists, nurses, daycare owners, chiropractors, and pharmacists come into contact with large numbers of people. .....


2. Cash Only Family Practice Pros And Cons
..... In a world where plastic reigns, the idea of a cash only Family Practice sounds almost antiquated. The truth is that more physicians and health care providers are taking a serious look at the cash only business model. Cash Payment Methods The phrase "cash only" means that all services are paid for at the time of treatment. The Family Practice adopting this payment method usually accepts payments of cash, debit card, check or credit card. Why are some Family Practices giving serious thought to cancelling health care contracts and adopting cash policies? .....


3. Choosing A Family Practice Facility
..... Preparation and planning aren't just for the boy scouts. Anyone who is reaching for success in a business will do well to plan and prepare. This can be especially important for the opening of a family practice. Who's Doing the Choosing? .....


4. Choosing Family Practice For Replacement Therapy
..... Some family practice doctors have advanced in being some of the very few doctors that are legally able to prescribe buprenorphine, which is also known as Suboxone. This drug is prescribed as an alternative in replacement therapy for opiate addiction. Family practice doctors must get certified in order to join the program and are, by law, only allowed to prescribe to a certain number of patients annually. If a person with an opiate addiction chooses to select this method of treatment chances are that their family practice doctor will not be able to help him but may be able to refer him to another family practitioner. Because these offices are regular family practices, when the addict goes in for his initial visit, he will blend in as no one will know why he is there. .....


5. Designing The Family Practice Interior
..... Starting a family practice is a lot of work. When it comes to office layout and design, taking a little time in the beginning can save both time and work later. When leasing a new building that is still under construction, it's possible to design the entire interior layout of the clinic. This will involve total design including plumbing, electrical, walls, flooring and everything involved in building and furnishing the interior. .....


6. Entities And Family Practice
..... Tax entity choice can affect family practice in many ways. Making the right choice will help protect both practice and physician. Family Practice Entity Types .....


7. Family Practices And Medical Malpractice
..... So many people have filed medical malpractice lawsuits against their doctors that is has affected and had serious implications for family practice doctors in particular. Patients have sued their doctors mainly for lack of or a delay in proper diagnosis, maternity practices, negligence in trauma care, handling issues in a time conscious manner, providing care without consent, and failure to refer out patients who require specialized treatments. Most of the malpractice cases stem from a failure to diagnosis a condition that is already existent. Sometimes this lack of diagnosis comes from the family practice doctors who are under extreme stress. The biggest problem that results from this is the lack of identifying it in the first place. Family practice doctors work chaotic schedules that are extremely conflicting and have been viewed as almost superhuman. Recently, the dust has settled and now researchers are seeing that super humans do not exist and it is possible that many medical malpractice lawsuits can be avoided by not expecting superhuman behavior. .....


8. Goodwill In Family Practice Success
..... Goodwill is not just the name of a well known charity. Goodwill, in terms of valuing a medical facility or other business, is an important, intangible asset that can play a huge part in the success of a family practice. We've all seen them. They're the person at the business that everyone enjoys seeing. The one person patients at a family practice may stop by to chat with even when they aren't ill. They are well liked, well respected and well known in the community. Sometimes they have enough personality and charisma to make up for the office crankpot or employees who tend to be rude. Often they are the principle force in the business as well as the driving force in the success of the business. .....


9. Implementing Office Systems In The Family Practice
..... When setting up the family practice, some essential services, including telephone, mail, answering service and medical transcription will need to be addressed. Family Practice Telephone Systems .....


10. Making Sure Your Family Practice Doesn't Grow Too Fast
..... Word of mouth spreads the fastest. If a family practice doctor is good enough, people will wait sometimes for hours to see him. However, as word spreads about a doctor so do his patients. If he doe not have such a great bedside manner then he will likely lose patients but if he does he will likely gain patients which to an extent are a good thing but can also overwhelm the doctor, his staff and his patients. Family practice doctors have a reputation for wanting to help everyone. Those who call in for a same day appointment are served just as someone who scheduled their appointment a month ago. Sometimes it is impossible to move them to another day or to switch them to a new provider. However, family practice doctors do need to recognize that they can only take on so many patients effectively. If a family practice doctor is going to consider the numbers of patients that he can effectively manage then he will need to discuss with his patients what it is that they expect from him or her and what makes them happy and satisfied. The family practice doctor also needs to confirm his workload and see what hours he can put forth that works best for him and his family. Estimate in hours of surgery and hospital visits and so forth. Factor in the time allowance and see how time is humanly possible to complete the schedule. The average doctor/patient visit is or should be about 10-15 minutes. Some doctors or nurses have the habit of scheduling 3 or more patients for the same time block which simply will not work. Based on a 10-15 minute time interval, it does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that the doctor should schedule four appointments per hour but might be able to get in five. Anymore than that and he could easily get behind schedule. .....


11. Making The Most Of The Family Practice Website
..... More and more people are becoming comfortable in using the Internet and many now have Internet access at home. A well designed family practice website can serve as an introduction for the practice and an advertisement of services offered. Family Practice Website as Introduction The appearance of the family practice website is crucial. Viewers will judge the practice by the appearance of the web pages. The website should match the tone of the clinic. If the family practice sees only adults, the website should reflect that. .....


12. Marketing The Family Practice
..... Successfully marketing the family practice can be done by several different methods. The best methods are those that fit the practice style, the community or city the practice operates in and any that show measurable results. Internet Marketing for Family Practice .....


13. Medical Record Systems For Family Practice
..... Many clinic and medical care facilities can tell horror stories about computer software glitches and human error in record management systems that should have lightened the load but instead made it almost unbearable. This result is often due to specific mistakes or areas of ignorance on the part of those who chose and implement the system. Fortunately, there are steps that can be taken to avoid such an outcome. One of the criteria of a successful family practice is the existence of practice management methods that work. .....


14. Office Management And The Family Practice
..... The right office manager can help a family practice thrive. The wrong office manager can result in loss of clients and have everyone in the practice ready to commit homicide. How do you find the office manager who will be a blessing to the family practice instead of a curse? Office Manager Duties .....


15. Open House Benefits In Family Practice
..... Holding an open house to celebrate events, changes or milestones in a Family Practice can be an excellent means of increasing patient base and community awareness of the practice. Why Hold An Open House? .....


16. Recognizing And Accepting Family Practice
..... It has been a long time coming but family practice physicians are finally making the way to the front of the line. It has been a long struggle attempting to gain status quo. That was never really what they wanted, what they wanted was to make a difference and for it to be known that they care. Family practice doctors are unique in a manner that they can take care of boys and girls, men and women. They are very convenient and offer quality care without having to visit many different doctors. It can not be argued that family practice doctors specialize in the long term and quality care of their patients. They can recognize and treat your physical problems as well as your emotional problems and maybe better than someone else who does not have the special bond with you as your family practice doctor does. .....


17. Repositioning Your Family Practice For Future Growth
..... The whole system of health care is becoming more and more complex with the exception of family practice doctors. There are doctors or specialists that are committed to treating just cancer or just the heart but family practice doctors are committed to treating the whole person and nothing can be more unique than that. Because of the grim image that has been given to family practice doctors many medical students are turning their back on the possibility of entering the family practice field. In order to keep up with the times and for upcoming generations to invest their trust into family practices, the entire basis of family practice may have to be remarketed to them. Although many family practice doctors believe that it is unethical to allow themselves a marketing budget and solicit themselves they are going to have to enter a new facet in order to draw the new generations into the belief that family practice is not second rate health care. Baby boomers have visited the same family practice for decades but many of the following generations refuse to consider it. .....


18. Rising Liability Insurance Rates Hurt Family Practices
..... It is becoming increasingly difficult for family practice physicians to even obtain medical liability insurance let alone afford it. More and more insurance companies are deciding not to underwrite any medical liability insurance. Literally, in most states there are only few who will offer it. The increasing rate of malpractice lawsuits is to blame for this. Juries are awarding multi million dollar settlements and it is forcing many doctors to close the doors on their family practices. The problem is concurrent with other problems; doctor A closes his family practice so all of the patients rush to doctor B, now Dr. B is on overload and his patients are unhappy because of lengthy wait times and the vicious cycle continues. It has already been obvious as most family practices no longer deliver babies due to the ever rising costs of OB insurance. Also, most have stopped performing any surgical procedures because they simply can not afford the insurance premiums. .....


19. Support Staff For Family Practice
..... The right staff can make a measurable difference in patient experience, office morale and the family practice bottom line. When preparing to set up a family practice, it is important to determine who will be needed and what tasks they will be performing. A small family practice can often operate with no more than one nurse and one office employee. With this method of management, tasks are less defined. Everyone pitches in to do whatever is needed at any given time. The physician is as involved in clinic maintenance as the supporting staff members are. .....


20. The Challenges Of Family Practices In Today
..... All businesses face challenges and struggles but with today's health care system and its complexity the challenges that family practices face are great and even numerous. It is often difficult to maintain viability. Just attempting to generate the understanding of a family practice can be a struggle in itself. There are many flaws in the health care systems that we have today. These flaws work in favor of family practice doctors if they are able to improve the results for patients. Family practices and family medicine in general are in need of a major overhaul. Family practice doctors will raise to the final victory as they display their deep concern for the patients overall well being. .....


21. The Employee Manual In Family Practice
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22. Valuing The Family Practice
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23. When Your Family Practice Physician Retires
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24. Why People Love A Doctor With A Family Practice
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25. Women Are Changing Family Practice
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