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picture1_Behavior Ppt 78884 | Unit 4 Learning

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File: Behavior Ppt 78884 | Unit 4 Learning
learning introduction learning is a processby which newbehaviorsare acquired it is generally agreed that learning involves changes in behavior practicing new behaviors and establishing permanency in the change learning is ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 06 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Learning introduction is a processby which newbehaviorsare acquired it generally agreed that involves changes in behavior practicing new behaviors and establishing permanency the change any permanent of person occurs as result experience has taken place if an individual behaves reacts respondents resultof manner different from way he formerly behaved nature though this not necessarily improvement over previous connotation improved but bad habits prejudices stereotypes work restrictions are also learned behavioral must be relatively temporary due to fatigue or nay reason part based on some form practice thus because physical maturation reinforced order for occur reinforcement does accompany will disappear components there various drive cue stimuli generalization discrimination responses retention extinction spontaneous recovery frequently presence strong stimulus impels action drives basically two types primary physiological secondary psychological these categories often interact with e...

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