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picture1_Behaviour Therapy Ppt 78649 | Ib Wise Soc App 1

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File: Behaviour Therapy Ppt 78649 | Ib Wise Soc App 1
socio cultural approach the individual and the group 30 mins cultural origins of behaviour and cognition 30 mins cultural influences on individual attitudes identity and behaviours 30 mins the individual ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 06 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Socio cultural approach the individual and group mins origins of behaviour cognition influences on attitudes identity behaviours social theory cognitive stereotypes seems unlikely as saq came up in tz erq suitable study for an tajfel et al i would not choose its quite complicated have always encouraged my students to use robber s cave but this is now feeling a bit old handout how weave together jc chooses abrams replication asch with iv ingroup outgroup members there also interviewing by drury that could be useful methods given sit from topic one might hope they different area gift though easy so practice thoroughly get best mark what studies you bandura evaluation exercises including diamond nielsson charlton becker word guide john says can phrase theories even when it prompt ib said since focus question will most likely reference spec separate formation effect case any more freedom illusory correlation fulfil content point about biases previous example spencer steele expt read over m...

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