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picture1_Strategic Management Ppt 78488 | Dessler Fhrm7 Ppt01 Gaw Hh

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File: Strategic Management Ppt 78488 | Dessler Fhrm7 Ppt01 Gaw Hh
learning objectives 1 when you finish studying you should be able to 1 answer the question what is human resource management 2 discuss the trends affecting human resource management 3 ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 05 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Learning objectives when you finish studying should be able to answer the question what is human resource management discuss trends affecting describe important competencies managers need today copyright pearson education inc publishing as prentice hall explain and give examples of strategic three tools use refers practices policies carry out personnel aspects your job specifically acquiring training appraising rewarding providing a safe ethical fair environment for company s employees activities analyses planning laborneeds recruiting selecting orienting andtraining performance appraisal compensation incentives benefits employee relations why hr all perhaps best way that start by listing sorts mistakes don t want make while managing example no manager wants have not performing at peak capacity hire wrong person experience high turnover find doing their taken court because discriminatory actions cited under federal occupational safety laws unsafe allow lack undermine department effecti...

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