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picture1_Stakeholder Analysis Ppt 78251 | Unit 3 Presentation

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File: Stakeholder Analysis Ppt 78251 | Unit 3 Presentation
intelligence step 3 stakeholder analysis and engagement one of the defining features of public health nutrition phn practice is its focus on populations or communities rather than individuals populations are ...

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...Intelligence step stakeholder analysis and engagement one of the defining features public health nutrition phn practice is its focus on populations or communities rather than individuals are complex dynamic so it important to not only know thy community but also engage in our approach work why stakeholders groups organisations who have an interest stake potential influence intervention understanding will be affected concerned by identified issue level helping develop solutions additional support resources barriers change can managed neutralised builds upon using these relationships identify relevance includes both winners losers those involved excluded from decision making processes considerations key preparatory for culture context understand each viewpoint knowing local regional national international influences considered as being practical about extent realistic number according timeline scope identifying team undertaken individual a best usually done behind scenes involves sizing ...

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