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picture1_Stakeholders Ppt 78105 | The Stakeholder Management Concept

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File: Stakeholders Ppt 78105 | The Stakeholder Management Concept
chapter three objectives define stake and stakeholder differentiate between production managerial and stakeholder views of the firm discuss three values of the stakeholder model consider the concept of stakeholder management ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 04 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Chapter three objectives define stake and stakeholder differentiate between production managerial views of the firm discuss values model consider concept management identify essence explain capability smc outline origins effective who are business s stakeholders strategic multifiduciary synthesis corporation power four gates engagement key questions principles summary introduction to individuals groups with a multitude interests expectations demands as what should provide society is an interest or share in undertaking can be categorized right ownership legal moral individual possesses...

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