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picture1_Online Learning Ppt 75119 | Itpm 13

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File: Online Learning Ppt 75119 | Itpm 13
learning objectives understand the importance of project stakeholder management throughout the life of a project discuss the process of identifying stakeholders how to create a stakeholder register and how to ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Learning objectives understand the importance of project stakeholder management throughout life a discuss process identifying stakeholders how to create register and perform analysis describe contents plan information technology seventh edition copyright cont d managing engagement use an issue log effectively explain methods for controlling types software available assist in because is so important success institute decided entire knowledge area devoted it as part fifth pmbok guide purpose identify all people or organizations affected by analyze expectations engage projects often cause change changes some may lose their jobs when completed managers might be viewed enemies if resulted job losses contrast they could allies lead that helps increase profits produce new pay certain any case must learn work with variety what went wrong changing way done can send shock wave through organization leaving many afraid even thinking about ways stop sabotage donald white founder program manager at ...

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