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picture1_Transmission Electron Microscope Slideshare 77452 | 6 2018 12 15!05 34 25 Pm

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File: Transmission Electron Microscope Slideshare 77452 | 6 2018 12 15!05 34 25 Pm
new techniques in microscopy confocal microscopy confocal scanning laser microscope light microscope electron microscope cheap to purchase expensive to buy cheap to operate expensive to produce electron beam small and ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 03 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...New techniques in microscopy confocal scanning laser microscope light electron cheap to purchase expensive buy operate produce beam small and portable large requires special rooms simple easy sample preparation lengthy complex prep material rarely distorted by distorts vacuum is not required natural color of maintained all images black white transmission tem pass a electrons through the specimen that are detected on fluorescent screen which image displayed thin sections needed for as have be produced this most common form has best resolution bacterium sem over surface reflected off it been previously coated heavy metals these beams focused order make up larger thicker structures can thus seen under do gives excellent dimensional surfaces however lower than head right eye fly...

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