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picture1_Microscope Notes

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File: Microscope Notes
invention of the microscope invention of the microscope the microscope was invented by a trio of dutch eyeglass makers in the late 1500s and magnified objects up to 9x the ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 09 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Invention of the microscope was invented by a trio dutch eyeglass makers in late s and magnified objects up to x allowed scientists view cells for first time robert hooke published his drawings but these were cell walls cork no longer living early anton van leeuwenhoek person examine types microscopes there are two light electron uses either sunlight or artificial object being viewed must be thin enough pass through advantage is that it can magnify many microscopic organisms while they still alive disadvantage this only about electrons slice an transmission tem outside scanning sem one million times their actual size cont biggest specimens fixed position placed vacuum so not...

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