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File: Microscopes
history history scanning electron use use microscope light microscope light microscope compound atomic force compound microscope microscope microscope scanning tunneling scanning tunneling electron microscope microscope microscope x ray microscope x ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 09 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...History scanning electron use microscope light compound atomic force tunneling x ray binocular the first record of lenses to manipulate images was in greek and roman writings around a d as for origins someone using magnify minute object it is unclear most scientific instruments have clear place historical records when they were formed who created them not though definition makes difficult determine since there dating back ancient societies how do we say those used look at objects practically impossible single lens that fashion credit multiple generally given zacharias jansen john lipperhey netherlands an instrument produces enlarged image micran small scopos aim veiwing are be seen by naked or unaided eye science investing such callled microscopy term microscopic means very easily visible with other words requiring examine which consists two microscopes series serving ocular close second objective viewed creating goes usually dutch spectacle makers hans janssen invented could either te...

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