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File: Anxiety
overcome anxiety college can be a stressful place it s natural to feel some anxiety juggling the many demands but what can you do to reduce your anxiety and when ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 03 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Overcome anxiety college can be a stressful place it s natural to feel some juggling the many demands but what you do reduce your and when get help is nervous feeling often associated with worry unease concern this that right before big exam or are trying something new for first time facts about fact normal adaptive helps us prepare danger why we learn manage not eliminate become problem our body tells there isn t one happen both have shouldn provoking amount of does match situation too much obstacle so like may constantly everything large small restless tired difficulty concentrating irritable muscle tension aches tremble shake trouble sleeping sweat experience nausea diarrhea short breath rapid heartbeat...

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