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picture1_Ppt Physical Therapy 76543 | Quantum Mechanics Lec1

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File: Ppt Physical Therapy 76543 | Quantum Mechanics Lec1
facts at the present stage of human knowledge quantum mechanics at the present stage of human knowledge quantum mechanics can be regarded as the fundamental theory of atomic phenomena can ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 02 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Facts at the present stage of human knowledge quantum mechanics can be regarded as fundamental theory atomic phenomena it is saying something about all physical systems not a specific to limited range meta experimental data on which based are derived from events that almost entirely beyond direct perception surprising embodies concepts foreign common daily experience relevance qm explain following behaviours insulators conductors semi and giant magneto resistance radiation hot body its change colour with respect temperature presence holes transport electrons in electronic devices many more played an important roles photonics electronics micro nanofabrication techniques nano optics electromechanical sensor spintronics giving rise new areas information communication cryptography computing seen richness physics will greatly affect future generation technologies aspects scientists engineers should understand better weirdness most fascinating aspect provides strange picture world if you acc...

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