File: Postulates Of Quantum Mechanics Slideshare 76685 | Quantph2
summary of 1st lecture classical physics explanation of black body radiation failed ultraviolet catastrophe planck s ad hoc assumption of energy quanta of energy equantum h leads to a radiation ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 02 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Summary of st lecture classical physics explanation black body radiation failed ultraviolet catastrophe planck s ad hoc assumption energy quanta equantum h leads to a spectrum which agrees with experiment old generally accepted principle natura non facit saltus violated other evidence for quantization photoelectric effect einstein explained by photon hypothesis atomic spectra stability atom quantum theory born as attempt address these observations outline recap steps toward qm matter waves mechanics schrodinger equation derivation se from wave heisenberg matrix postulates examples solutions uncertainty indeterminacy and atoms the hydrogen periodic table compton scattering more on problem measurement probability amplitudes interference double slit oclassical interpretations interpretation discussion particle duality complementarity copenhagen in magnetic field stern gerlach spin towards vibrating have only certain energies o e hf or is quantized particles called photons bohr electrons c...