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picture1_History Ppt 76125 | Lean 9 12 Intro

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File: History Ppt 76125 | Lean 9 12 Intro
2 lean philosophy lean is a way of thinking it it is all about continuous improvement with a focus on eliminating all forms of waste in a process here is ...

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...Lean philosophy is a way of thinking it all about continuous improvement with focus on eliminating forms waste in process here great video to introduce you the https www youtube com watch v pstnvblscu history started out henry ford s assembly line early first person who continuously worked make sure his was as efficient possible then shortly after wwii taichi ohno and kiichiro toyoda took aspects work new ideas for created toyota production system org whatslean cfm manufacturing making product most effective manner while looking ways improve improvements decrease cycle time eliminate sources increase throughout difference between six sigma significant aspect being an industrial engineer at rit students spend learning how can apply various fields settings today will be overview giving some background information importance industry...

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