origins of lean thinking ww2 boeing b17 bomber venetian ship builders carthaginian navy my great uncle s ww1 waltham watch th 18 century rn frigate gun colt armoury lean thinking ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 29 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Origins of lean thinking ww boeing b bomber venetian ship builders carthaginian navy my great uncle s waltham watch th century rn frigate gun colt armoury evolution fw taylor scientific management development w edwards deming henry ford frank woollard schonberger twi masaaki imai the machine that changed world term first popularised in book womack jones roos mit study illustrated performance gap between japanese western automotive industries superior due to production ie used less everything human effort capital space stock time all activities demonstrated application other sectors described range tools techniques vocabulary eg kaizen kaikaku hoshin kanri jit muda packaging principles put forward job five specify what creates value from customers perspective identify steps across whole stream make those actions create flow only is pulled by customer just strive for perfection continually how valid are today removing successive layers waste...