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picture1_Analysis Ppt 75997 | Inventory Control

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File: Analysis Ppt 75997 | Inventory Control
need of inventory need of inventory control control to ensure continuous supply it is requried so that producution should not suffer at ant time and the customers demand should also ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 02 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Need of inventory control to ensure continuous supply it is requried so that producution should not suffer at ant time and the customers demand also be met proper investment there no overstocking understocking invetory help in cont d toreduse material costs a good system can lead minimization cost minimize losses through deterioration wastages damages eliminate duplication same ordered by different person avoid this problem techniques abc analysis ved ageing fnsd hml xyz sos prepectual economic order quantity records maintained controlling department which reflects physical movements stock current balance makes use extensive recipets issuses returns etc materials are recorded basis sored f fast moving items inventoryare those consumed within short period n normal year s slow stocks have low turnover rate dead denotes for present exist forecast made future...

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