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picture1_Inventory Management Pdf 192761 | Unit 17 Inventory Management

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File: Inventory Management Pdf 192761 | Unit 17 Inventory Management
inventory management unit 17 inventory management objectives upon completion of this unit you should be able to understand the meaning of inventory and identify inventory related cost parameters learn about ...

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...Inventory management unit objectives upon completion of this you should be able to understand the meaning and identify related cost parameters learn about various types policies appreciate role selective know exchange curve concept for aggregate planning get a feel some mathematical models analysis perform sensitivity on type model compute safety stocks problems slow moving items computers in control have brief idea recent developments structures introduction systems functions classification deterministic probabilistic concluding remarks summary key words self assessment exercises further readings may defined as usable but idle resource if is physical tangible object such materials then it generally termed stock thus or are synonymous terms though has wider implications broadly speaking problem one maintaining given financial investment an adequate supply something meet expected demand pattern could raw work progress finished products spares other indirect can indicators effectiveness ...

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