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25 Birth Control Articles

icon picture zip Filetype zip | Posted on 23 Jun 2022 | 3 years ago

Andy yahya
Andy yahya

The following is a list of 25 txt files containing articles about birth control. These articles can be used as ideas for modifying articles or reposting. Some snippets of file contents have been shown under the title. You can download all these files at once in 1 zip file for free on this page.

1. A Brief History Of Birth Control
..... Here's a brief look at the history of birth control. Although pills are very much in demand to avoid getting pregnant for women, these are also causing quite a stir. The reason for this is because birth control pills are known for one side effect. More and more women are complaining that the pills cause them to gain weight. For the ladies who use the pill just to avoid the risk of pregnancy, this is definitely not a good news. .....


2. A Comparison Of Birth Control Pills, Helping You Decide What To Use
..... In making a comparison of birth control pills, it should be known that oral contraceptives have been around the market for over 45 years. It was first tagged as the pill when it was first approved by the US Food and Drug Administration or FDA. This form is the most reliable that women turn to when they want to get pregnant. Weight Gain But another side to oral contraceptives is how they affect a woman's body to gain weight. It really is dumbfounding because you will hear such stories from many women who have used the pill for the obvious reason of avoiding pregnancy. .....


3. Birth Control Pill As A Cure For Acne And Ideal To Gain Weight
..... Birth control pill as a cure for acne has been gaining popularity. But what most women who have been subjected to such treatment will also attest how birth control pills can affect one's body in gaining weight. Side Effect This is only one of the many known side effects of using oral contraceptives. Although most women would not like the idea of adding up on their pounds, they cannot help it. That is understandable because they take the meds to avoid getting pregnant. .....


4. Birth Control Pills And Weight Gain
..... I cannot say that with this article, the discussion about birth control pills and weight gain will stop. This discussion is pretty much like the epic battle between light and darkness, good and evil, ordinary milk and non-fat milk, it goes on and on and on and on. Scientifically speaking, there have been no indications in studies and experiments on any direct relationship between birth control pills and weight gain. Given that situation, it is really hard to fathom why most people still think the opposite. .....


5. Birth Control Pills, A Cure For Acne
..... At first, taking birth control pills to cure the problematic acne is totally a ludicrous idea. It turns out that the idea is not as far fetched as we thought at first. Birth control pills, depending on the situation, can help teenage girls handle a terrible acne problem. For teenage girls, or even older women, acne problems can be a source of embarrassment. There are several remedies for acne. Doctors, of course, can help determine what kind of medication is necessary and appropriate for each individual in order to solve their acne problems. Medications can range from acne creams to antibiotic, and to the occasional birth control pills. .....


6. Birth Control Questions
..... When one decides to go on birth control, it is more than just a decision the affects their lives but rather a decision that affects the life a kid that wou7ld be born due to an unwanted pregnancy. If being a parent is not yet in your plans at the moment or if you’re not ready to be one, then I suggest you take this birth control thing rather seriously. There are a lot birth control questions that keep popping out of your mind right now, right? Those who are new in this area of birth control, it is often good to have questions ready to ask to your doctor or a reproductive health clinic. Being shy about things is not the best way to go. If you feel embarrass to ask questions, you might dealing with a more embarrassing situation in nine months or so, remember that. Better ask now or suffer the consequences later. .....


7. Birth Control Pills And Weight Loss
..... Birth control pills have been around for many years and their success just shows that it can prevent pregnancies. In fact, there are so many of them around that despite the side effects women are still willing to make that sacrifice. Side effects associated with birth control pills include light bleeding in between periods, skipped periods, nausea, weight gain, bloating and an increased risk of vaginal infections. You will probably experience either one or two of those mentioned since each person is different. Most of the time, this problem can be stopped by changing to a different pill. .....


8. Birth Control And Cervical Cancer
..... People who are not ready to raise a family or don’t want to have anymore kids should practice birth control. For those who use birth control pills, you should be alarmed by a new study that shows that women who have taken it for a long time are at risk for developing cervical cancer. Cervical cancer happens to about 15,000 Americans. Of that that number, a little over a third will die from this disease while the rest can be treated thanks to its early detection using Pap tests. .....


9. Birth Control And Heavy Period
..... Menorrhagia better known as heavy period is a common problem for women. This is because the person may suffer from severe anemia and the only way to save her life is through blood transfusions. There are several causes such as hormonal imbalance, uterine fibroids, polyps, dysfunction of the ovaries, adenomyosis, IUD’s, medications, pregnancy complications and cancer. Of those mentioned, two are directly linked to birth control. Hormonal imbalance happens may occur when you get too much estrogen and progesterone in your system. You have to remember that these two hormones are produced by the body and when you take pills that also carry this ingredient, a hormonal balance occurs. This is prevalent among adolescent girls and women who are nearing menopause. .....


10. Birth Control And Migraine
..... A migraine is a severe headache usually accompanied by symptoms such as nausea and vomiting. This can disable you for a few hours or even days. The level at which this happens or even its frequency varies. A recent study shows that women suffer from migraines more than men. Although its exact cause is unknown, birth control devices happen to be one of the culprits. .....


11. Birth Control And Side Effects
..... There are different types of birth control pills around. Before you start using any, you should consider the side effects. Studies have shown that there are only two methods that do not have side effects. First is abstaining however, it may be hard sometimes to control the urge if both of you feel like doing it. The best thing to do then is outercourse or masturbation so the sperm will never come into contact with the egg. .....


12. Diaphragm Birth Control
..... There are different types of birth control devices in the market today. Women who don’t want to use pills can use something called a diaphragm. A diaphragm is a shallow, dome shaped rubber disk with a flexible rim that fits nicely within the vagina as it is able to cover the cervix which prevents the sperm from every reaching the uterus. It should be inserted prior to intercourse and covered with spermicide. The spermicide works by killing the sperm thus making it impossible to fertilize the egg. .....


13. Male Birth Control
..... Yes, male birth control methods are simple enough and yet men still don’t get it. There are only three male contraception methods, although there’s news of creating a hormonal contraceptive pill for male but the development of the drug is still underway. So we are down to three male birth control methods for now. Condoms, vasectomy, and withdrawal. These are the only three contraceptives that men have to worry about. But that number we can still narrow down. Vasectomy is often not an option taken by males since they often believe that the procedure is irreversible. For your information, the procedure is reversible. But still this method needs the man to be lying on his back on the operating table and going under the knife, and such an idea is usually not that appealing. Not that I blame the man, though, nobody wants to be lying in an operating table for whatever purpose. .....


14. Side Effects Of Birth Control
..... Some people are not ready to have kids. Perhaps because they are still in high school and just want to have sex while others are more career-oriented and want to focus on that first before starting a family. Whatever the reason, you should know that there are potential side effects depending on the type you decide to use. The simplest way to prevent unwanted pregnancies is not to do it at all. This is known as abstaining. But if you two lovebirds want to get physical, you just have to find another way to express your love and if you decide to do it without intercourse, you can do so by playing with each other until you reach orgasm. .....


15. The Different Forms Of Birth Control
..... Although there are many different forms of birth control, some women are afraid to take any of each because they are scared of the side effects. The most common that these pills have as an effect relates with the issue of gaining weight. Ask a woman who is not afraid of getting fat. You will not find so many. But if indeed there is a case wherein a woman chooses to gain more weight for health related issues, they will resort to other means. This is especially true if the person involved is not sexually active and don't have a dependence on birth control pills. .....


16. The Different Types Of Birth Control Pills
..... There are many different types of birth control pills. Women nowadays have a lot of option when it comes to this subject. That is great news. The only downside of it all is how those pills affect a woman's body to accumulate the pounds and gain weight. Women's Issues Gaining weight is not something that most women would want to happen on their bodies, especially when they are on the prime of their lives. This is the reason why there are so many diet tips and tricks available wherever you look, whether online or offline. They are mostly targeted for women. .....


17. The Birth Control Patch
..... If you don’t like wearing a contraceptive or taking it orally, you can slap it to your skin because there are birth control patches available in the market. The birth control patch is a thin, beige colored, four and a half centimeter square patch that is applied to the skin. Each patch contains hormones that release chemicals into your bloodstream. .....


18. Types Of Birth Control Pills
..... Birth controls pills have been in use since 1960 when the US Food and Drug Administration approved it. Today, there are more than 40 different types to choose from which you can get from your local health rep. Another name for the pill is called oral contraception. There are two types namely combination and progestin pills. Both are made of hormones and before you can buy it, you need to get prescription from your doctor. .....


19. Types Of Birth Control
..... Contraception is a term used to prevent pregnancy. There are different types of them around. Some are used by men while others are for women. There are two major methods of birth control namely barrier or hormonal. Aside from that, the other types include sterilization otherwise known as surgery, withdrawal, natural family planning and the simplest which is abstinence. .....


20. Birth Control Methods
..... Birth control methods were created to solve the problem countless families are encountering. Family planning is a method of spacing your children. Birth control methods also allow people to have the maximum number of children they can provide for. .....


21. Birth Control Options
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22. Birth Control Pill
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23. Birth Control
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24. Effectiveness Of Birth Control
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25. Natural Birth Control
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