what do you know about rca a tool for systematic investigation and analysis reactive analysis incident investigation may apply to losses failure inefficiencies what went wrong what were the causes ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 02 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...What do you know about rca a tool for systematic investigation and analysis reactive incident may apply to losses failure inefficiencies went wrong were the causes changes should be made root cause helps identify how why something happened thus preventing recurrence diving deep find source of problem avoid addressing just symptom are underlying factors reasonably identifiable can controlled allow generation recommendations various techniques used www ioas org specific those that identified management has control fix which effective recurrences generated inspector uses version inspection form typical would probably conclude error was inform give him right but if stops here it not probed deeply enough understand reasons mistake is known prevent from occurring again or sure widespread there more than many methodologies employed in complex modes effects simple fmea five whys causal factor charting incorporate statistical data fishbone ishikawa diagram effect maps diagrams...