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49 Back Pain Articles Articles

icon picture zip Filetype zip | Posted on 24 Jun 2022 | 3 years ago

Andy yahya
Andy yahya

The following is a list of 49 txt files containing articles about back pain articles. These articles can be used as ideas for modifying articles or reposting. Some snippets of file contents have been shown under the title. You can download all these files at once in 1 zip file for free on this page.

1. Acute Edema And Back Pain
.....Acute Edema and Back Pain Back pain is caused from a variety of problems including “Acute Pulmonary Edema.” Edema builds up abnormal and excessive fluids that cause serious actions to the tissue cells. What happens is similar to over watering plants. The plant will swell and gradually wither away. Edema in acute stages is defined as heart failure to one side, yet the problem extends to cause pain in the back. What occurs is when the heart is interrupted; it channels the fluids to tubes, vessels, ducts, and passageways that extend to the lungs. .....


2. Associating Back Pain And Multiple Sclerosis
..... Multiple Sclerosis is a progressive disease such as demyelinating and affects the motor and sensory neurons. The disease will cause cycles of remission, which causes the condition to worsen. When exacerbation starts etiology is reviewed, which includes the cause? The cause at this time is not clear, yet some experts believe that viral infections and autoimmune disease plays a part in Multiple Sclerosis cause. The disease is complication, yet it cause back pain. According to Pathophysiology views, the scatters of demyelinization will start affecting the brain, as well as the spinal cord. Once it affects these areas degeneration starts targeting the myelin sheath (Nerves that insulates the layers of cells) and causes a string of patches of sclerotic tissues. The patches impair the conduction, which reaches the “motor nerve impulses.” .....


3. Back Pain Interventions
.....How to relieve back pain Doctors often prescribe a variety of exercises, diets, stretch exercises, etc to relieve back pain. According to statistics, more than 200 million Americans alone suffer back pain. Some patients endure surgery, while others find ways to minimize the pain. Unfortunately, some people turn to alcohol and drugs to relieve such pain. When pain is chronic, it makes it difficult to cope with daily duties. Most pain in the back starts at the lower region. With so much suffering, many people make a hobby out of finding relief. .....


4. Back Pain And Backers
.....Back Pain and Backers Did you know when pain acts out that your backers will kick in? The backers are your emotions. The devilish radicals of our human makeup can lead us to consequences we ordinarily would not accept. Sometimes the radicals are angels that work as guiders to back our every step. Back pain and emotions go hand in hand, since when one experiences pain it causes threat to the emotions. When the emotions are threatened, “Look out Henry,” John Doe is in the house. Back pain has symptoms, which include depression, irritation and hopelessness, which starts with back pain and ends with emotions. The person will often accept the proposal that the emotions deliver, leaving them to believe that no help is present. In most back pain instances however, help is sitting in front of you. .....


5. Back Pain And Considerations
..... When back pain occurs, the process of consideration must start. Back pain can emerge from various causes, yet when the pain is severe, one should seek medical advice immediately. When injuries occur and the back delivers messages that signal us that a problem exists, one must also seek medical advice. Injuries often cause neurological conditions. When to visit your doctor: If you are in an accident or fall and cause injury, seek medical assistance instantly. Delaying the problem can lead to further complications. If you lift a heavy object and your back starts to ache, seek help. If the muscles in your legs cannot provide you support and stability to stand erect on your toes, seek help. If slapping of your feet start when you begin walking, you will need medical support also. At the lower trunk, legs, and back, if you feel weakness, tingling, or numbness you will need medical assistance. During sleep hours if your back gives you problems, you endure fevers, and if you experience chills, seek help. If you loose control of your bladder and bowels, medical treatment is needed. .....


6. Back Pain And Diagnosis
..... Did you know that many doctors miss areas of concern that could lead to cures? Did you know that back pain is common, yet many doctors fail to see the cause? The answer is simple. The reason is most medical doctors have little experience in the system of healing so to speak. Rather many doctors focus on prescribing medicines and searching for answers, which many times rest in front of them. Don’t get me wrong, good doctors reach everywhere, yet these people lack educational knowledge of the spinal column, central nervous system and so on. As well, these people fail to see that many causes of back pain rests in misaligned bones, or spine. Of course, diseases may cause back pain as well. Sitting too long, lack of stretch exercises, etc, all cause lower back pain. If the back pain is, serious it will often show up in MRI or CT scans. X-rays will show back conditions, however since doctors review all areas, except the alignment of the bones and spine, thus most times the x-rays only reveal what the doctor wants to see. This happens to many people, including myself. A pro in analyzing the spine and bones is the man you want to see if you have chronic back conditions. .....


7. Back Pain And Fractures
.....How it is defined: Fractures are defined in medical terms as breaks in the permanence of bones. However, several types of fractures doctors consider before diagnosis is set. The types of conditions include thirteen different types, such as pathologic, complete, avulsion, incomplete, compressed, comminuted, depressed, greenstick, oblique, simple, spiral, compound, and transverse. Greenstick is a fracture of the bones, which often occurs at a youthful age. In this instance, one side of the bone is broken or out of order while the other side is curved or bent. How doctors treat fractures is based on the findings, since few fractures may include damage of the hips. Intertrochanteric, intracapsular, and extracapsular is the modes of hip fractures doctors consider. In addition, yes, hip fractures cause back pain. .....


8. Back Pain And Herpes Simplex
..... What I am about to tell you will scare you into next year, especially if you have been diagnosed with herpes simplex? I want you to continue reading however before jumping to any conclusions. If you feel threatened at anytime, seek medical advice. Herpes simplex is not spelled out in doctors’ offices. This is a serious nerve condition, which not only causes back pain, but… The condition can lead to Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, or what is commonly referred to as AIDS. The viral infection is not necessary transmitted through sexual engagements. Rather, the viral infection can develop from T-cells. The disease is a defect within the T-cells that mediate the immunity system and permits the development of this mortal opportunistic viral infection. The disease is life threatening when the immunity system is low, since it is characterized by microorganisms of a junior disease. .....


9. Back Pain And Hypercortisolism
.....Back Pain and Hypercortisolism Hypercortisolism is a long medical term that defines Cushing’s syndrome. Cushing’s syndrome is a hyperactive disorder that affects the adrenal cortex and results in excessive secretion of cortisol, which is passed from Glucocorticoids. Cushing’s syndrome can increase sex hormones and mineralocorticoids. The pituitary glands are stimulated by hypothalamic. The pituitary glands are also affected by carcinoma and/or adenoma. As well, the adrenal glands are affected by hyperplasia when Cushing’s syndrome is present. When Cushing’s syndrome is present, exogenous secretes into the ACTH via the neoplasm, which is malignant. It continues onto the gallbladder and lungs. You will need to read the anatomy of the skeleton system to see how it affects the spinal column, which in turn causes back pain. .....


10. Back Pain And Multiple Myeloma
.....Back Pain and Multiple Myeloma Some of the common problems that cause back pain merge from musculoskeletal conditions and neurological conditions. However, back pain also arises from arthritis, muscle disorders, etc, including multiple myeloma. Muscle myeloma is abnormalities and proliferation of the plasma cells within the bone marrow. According to etiology aspects, doctors believe that multiple myeloma derives from genetics, environment, and unknown sources. The physical condition merges from a single tumor, which starts in the bone marrow and disseminates into the liver, lymph nodes, spleen, bones, and kidney. Tumors of this nature set up in plasma cells, which manufacture abnormal counts of immunoglobulin. The tumor then triggers activities, such as osteoblastic, which leads to destruction of bones and extends all through the body. .....


11. Back Pain And Tendons
..... The skeletal muscles supplies us movement, which is supported by the posture. Our muscles will shorten, tighten, contract, and promote mobility. The muscles join with bones that attach to the tendons. Once the muscles begin contracting, the muscles are stimulated and join the fibers through our motor neuron cells. The nerves makeup axon, body of cells, dendrites, etc, and these elements transmit impulses to the nerves, sending the impulses to the major components of our system, such as Central Nerve System. The network joins with cells, fibers, muscles, etc, and conveys messages, transmitting them through sensations that stop at the brain. The brain transmits signals that are sent from motor impulses and carries onto the organs and muscles. Collagen is produced from the muscle fibers, which the tendons surround the fibers via the softer tissues. (Paratenon) Injuries in this area occur when a person suddenly stretches, or overexerts the tendons. The back muscles in the leg make up the gluteus medius, (Hamstrings) biceps femoris, (Hamstrings), gluteus maximus, iliotibial tract, Sartorius, adductor Magnus, gastrocemius, semitendinosus, and the soleus. In this area, the muscles can be completely ruptured, or incompletely ruptured. The soleus, tibia, fibula, Achilles, etc, is the areas that are usually strained, or ruptured. The pain can caused from the injury can also affect the back. Since the legs are limited, as well as the tendons, muscles, etc, mobility is limited, which restricts muscle movement. This means that muscles are not exerting daily on the level it requires to function properly. Tendons operate akin to the ligaments. .....


12. Bones And Back Pain
.....Bones and Back Pain In the entire body are around 206 skeletal bones, which include the long bones, short, fat, and uneven bones. Inside the bones are red blood cells, (RBC), bone marrow, phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium. Magnesium is silvery white elements of metallic that start from organic compounds and works with calcium to afford support and strength to the muscles, which the bones connect with to defend the internal organs and movement. Calcium is similar to magnesium, yet it is produced from alkaline metals from the earth. The body’s skeletal muscles give us the support we need to move, stand, walk, sit, and so while supporting the posture. Muscles contract, shorten, and expand. The muscles attach to bones, as well as tendons. Once the muscles begin to contract, it stimulates the muscle fiber, which feeds off the motor neurons. The nerves are made up of extensions of nerve cells, which are thread-like and transmit impulses outwardly from the body of cells. (Axon) The cell bodies are branched extensions of nerve cells (Neurons), which receive electrical signals from other nerves that conduct signals back to the body of cells. This action emerges from dendrites. Dendrites transmit nerve impulses to the main area of the body that when interrupted can cause major problems. We call this large, major system the Central Nerve System. (CNS) Dendrites are also called the tree sometimes, since it stores minerals that crystallizes the system and forms the shape of a tree. The CNS is a network of neurons, or nerve cells that include the muscle fibers. The fibers and nerve cells chain together and consist of cell bodies, dendrites, axon, etc. Messages are conveyed through these neurons, which sensations are transmitted to the brain, thus carrying motor impulses that reach the vital organs and muscles. .....


13. Brief History Of Osteoarthritis And Back Pain
..... At the spinal column are the elongated columns of bones, which the thoracic ribs support. The thoracic ribs push the bones the length of bone structure. The ribs join with the spinal column in various areas. Joints connect with these ribs, which are field of studies, since they often wear and tear, causing gradual degenerative diseases, such as osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is defined in medical terms as a metabolically dysfunction of the bones. The results of the drops in our life-sustaining chemicals, which promote activity causes the bones to reduce mass whilst increasing porosity. The disease can cause osteoporosis to set in and intensify risks of fractures. .....


14. Cholecystitis And Back Pain
.....Cholecystitis and Back Pain Cholecystitis is an acute and/or chronic disorder that emerges from inflammation. Inflammation stretches to the gallbladder. The common conditions are linked to cholelithiasis, or the start of gallstones. You may wonder how back pain starts from this disorder, yet if you continue reading, you can see how it affects the spine. Gallbladder infections can cause lower back pains, specifically sharp pain, since it is a membranous sac located in the muscles. The sac stores in bile in the liver. Cholelithiasis may derive from bile pigments, obesity, cholesterol, estrogen therapy, calcium stones, and infections of the gallbladder. The disease can cause chest pain, indigestion, and so on. Cholelithiasis also causes episodic pain from colicky symptoms, which expend to the epigastric, which lies up or over the abdomen and radiates to the shoulders and back. The worst condition puts the patient at risk of jaundice. If the condition continues, the patient will feel repeated spurts of nausea, which causes vomiting. Flatulence, steatorrhea (Excess fats in stools), belching, pruritus, ecchymosis, dark urine, and discolored stools are signs of Cholecystitis. Ecchymosis is the fleeing of blood, which travels to the tissues and onto the ruptured, or fissure blood vessels. We see back pain issues arising since the sensory nerves submit messages, which travel to the muscles. Once the message arrives at the muscles it continues to travels to the organs and blood vessels. The process continues to the skin and at last reaches the brain. Motor and sensory signals are necessary to submit actions that promote healthy spinal columns, which if these signals are interrupted, thus back pain occurs. .....


15. Gouty And Back Pain
..... Gouty and Back Pain Gouty arthritis causes back pain, since it affects the joints. Gouty arthritis is a joint disease, which inflammation causes deposits of uric (Acid in the urine) acid crystals. The acids are slightly soluble, which are present in blood and urine. The acids are produced by breakdowns of body waste known as nitrogenous matters, or substances. .....


16. Gynecological Conditions And Back Pain
..... Gynecological Conditions and Back Pain Women may sometimes achieve gynecological conditions, which start PMS (Premenstrual syndrome), endometriosis, inflammatory pelvis disease and so on. The condition causes back pain from inflammatory and swelling symptoms. Endometriosis occurs when endometrium is present. The mucous membrane, i.e. endometrium has a lining that is only present in the womb. The lining functions with the ovaries and other areas of the body. When inflamed, it causes back pain. .....


17. Hemophilia And Back Pain
..... Hemophilia is a bleeding disorder, which is inherited. Hemophilia disorders include Hemophilia A, which is the common disorder that emerges from deficiencies. Hemophilia B also emerges from deficiencies. The disorder causes back pain, spontaneous GI bleeding, large spreads of bruising, bleeding joints, muscles, soft tissues, etc. Pain of the joints, swelling, and limited range of movement (ROM) is also a symptom that emerges from hemophilia. Recurrent hemorrhaging of joints also occurs, which causes back pain, as well as pain to spread out over the entire body. Hemophilia is inherited from carries, such as sisters or mothers. The disorder is spread to x-links of male traits largely. The physical traits are explored by medical experts, which order HCT tests, PT, PTT tests, and so on. The doctor monitors the patient while testing occurs, searching for decreases in HCT and Hgb, as well as prolonged coagulation. VIII is considered a diagnostic emerging from hemophilia A. often the factors are missing. .....


18. Herniated Disk And Back Pain
..... The disk at the back spinal column divides the skeletal structures. Disk does not compose blood vessels or nerves like other elements of the skeletal structure. Instead, disks are made up of fat, water, and tissues that connect to the skeletal structure. During all hours of the day, the disks leak water, which is caused from forces of gravity. For instance, when we sit it is a gravity force in action, which one might think that it takes little effort to sit, but contrary to the notion, it is adding a lot of weight to the spine and disk. The disk restores water that has leaked out during the day, yet the water is restored at slower paces. Fat and water is balanced in the disk, yet when it is not it causes a person to shrink height. Fat and water inside disks are thick, yet when a person starts aging, the substances begin to thin. When fat and water begins to thin, it can lead to osteoarthritis. Thinning water and fat of the disk is also the leading cause of back pain, especially at the lower region. .....


19. How Back Pain Starts
..... How Back Pain Starts When considering back pain we must concern ourselves with its variants. For instance, back pain can start with slip disks, which in medical terms is called “Herniated nucleus pulposa.” (HNP) Doctors define slip disks as ruptures of the “intervertebral disk.” The intervertebral rests between the vertebrae (Spinal Column) of the backbone. .....


20. How The Skeletal Muscles Cause Back Pain
..... The skeletal bones make up more than 200 short, long, irregular, and flat structures. Inside the bones is calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and RBCs, or marrow, which produces and generate red blood cells. The bones work along side the muscles. The muscles and bones afford support, defense for the internal organs, and locomotion. The skeletal muscles are our source of mobility, which supports the posture. The muscles work alongside the posture by shortens and tighten it. The bones attach to the muscles via tendons. The muscle then starts to contract with stimulus of muscle fibers via a motor nerve cell, or neuron. The neurons consist of axon, cell bodies, and dendrites, which transport to the nerve impulses and are the essential makeup of our functional components within the larger system of nerves. (Central Nervous System-CNS) CNS is a network or system of nerve cells, fibers, etc, that conveys and transmits sensations to the brain, which carries on to the “motor impulses” and onto the organs and muscles. .....


21. How To Manage Slip Disks In Back Pain
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22. Indicators In Back Pain
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23. Injuries And Back Pain
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24. Leaning Toward Back Pain
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25. Ligaments And Tendons Causing Back Pain
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26. Methods For Treating Common Back Pain
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27. Muscles And Nerves In Back Pain
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28. Musculoskeletal Disorders And Back Pain
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29. Osteogenic Sarcoma And Back Pain
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30. Osteomyelitis And Back Pain
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31. Osteoporosis And Back Pain
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32. Relieving Stress Fractures To Avoid Back Pain
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33. Rheumatoid Arthritis And Back Pain
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34. SLE And Back Pain
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35. Sacroiliac Bones And Back Pain
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36. Shoes And Back Pain
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37. Spasms And Back Pain
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38. Sports Injuries Prevention And Back Pain
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39. Stretches And Back Pain
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40. Stretching To Avoid Back Pain
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41. Synovial Joints And Back Pain
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42. Taking Action To Reduce Back Pain
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43. The Diagnosis Behind Back Pain Continue
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44. The Intermediary Cylindrical Girdle And Back Pain
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45. The Outline Of The Spine Defining Back Pain
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46. Threads Of Bands And Back Pain
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47. Weight Loss And Back Pain
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48. Depression And Back Pain
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49. Joints And Connective Tissues And Back Pain
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