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picture1_Manufacturing Ppt 78541 | Swimtoo  Root Cause Problem Sovling March 17

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File: Manufacturing Ppt 78541 | Swimtoo Root Cause Problem Sovling March 17
swimtoo swimtoo root cause analysis root cause analysis better before bigger better before bigger will work with you to investigate the problem identify will work with you to investigate the ...

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...Swimtoo root cause analysis better before bigger will work with you to investigate the problem identify and decide whether those causes should be corrected how focus of investigation through identification is why event occurred not who made error i e hard on soft person solving process let s honest we in uk are good at get true if great around over under anything but fix recurring apply short term band aids place problems your office admin customer order entry manufacturing supply chain getting cost time money loss confident assembly purchasing quality etc create whole new for re checking double extra couriers service ordering more parts due defects per unit right first it our attuite towards every an opportune improve ever company has this done d ensure regular reporting influencing senior personnel complaints top agenda keep records decisions a strong understanding principles issues which lead change practice decision making abilities based upon facts data helps maintain co operative...

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