File: Information Ppt 72745 | Efficient Customer Journeys
dnb guidance on efficient customer journeys relating to guideline 5 in eba guidelines 2018 07 ais aspsp pis 1 2 redirection to identification at bank account redirection to authentication confirmation ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 31 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Dnb guidance on efficient customer journeys relating to guideline in eba guidelines ais aspsp pis redirection identification at bank account authentication confirmation tpp no action completed selection required successfully optional step domain from payment service users for background see an obstacle free based journey initiation and separate if desired a perspective or x information sesurpvpilcemeesn ptarroy vinifdoremdat bioyn muthsirt dbe p parersteinetsed using the dedicated interface published open boek july examples of example inefficient consent scope second management user superfluous bbanankk accaccoouunntt iiddeennttiifificacattiioonn authenticatio screen sseelleectctiioonn atat ttpppp n o...