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picture1_Chemical Potential Ppt 72346 | Chemical Safety Training

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File: Chemical Potential Ppt 72346 | Chemical Safety Training
chemical safety training this material was produced under a grant from the occupational safety and health administration sh 31179 sh7 u s department of labor it does not necessarily reflect ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 31 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Chemical safety training this material was produced under a grant from the occupational and health administration sh u s department of labor it does not necessarily reflect views or policies nor mention trade names commercial products organization imply endorsement by us government course objectives provide participants with to identify hazards that exist in their workplaces potential effects workplace understand ways chemicals can enter body principles hazard prevention control apply work place employer responsibilities regarding exposure hazardous discuss analyze strategies create safer introduction about million workers are potentially exposed one more there approximately existing hundreds new ones being introduced annually may cause contribute many serious such as heart ailments central nervous system damage kidney lung sterility cancer burns rashes some also be have fires explosions other accidents identification what found your cont routes inhalation absorption ingestion injectio...

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