File: Report Ppt 70731 | Eye Safety Training Slides
2 image capture the iris image is captured using a camera similar to that in a home video camcorder the iris is illuminated with low level ir illumination similar to ...
Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 30 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Image capture the iris is captured using a camera similar to that in home video camcorder illuminated with low level ir illumination used wireless television remote control safety of biometrics lg has following ul approved eye certifications iec ansi iesna rp led s are those tv controls toys and other consumer products energy emitted by not at all harmful human even under conceivable conditions normal use misuse entering far less than received when person stands outside sunlight or looks an incandescent lamp quote from dr sliney report same type only takes picture front completely non invasive...