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picture1_Iris Recognition Ppt 70644 | Irisscan

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File: Iris Recognition Ppt 70644 | Irisscan
topics topics technique of iris recognition technique of iris recognition attacks attacks implementation implementation advantages disadvantages advantages disadvantages why iris recognition why iris recognition iris patterns are unique iris patterns ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 30 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Topics technique of iris recognition attacks implementation advantages disadvantages why patterns are unique do not change with age non contact approach simplicity and ease speed the process matching is very fast step capturing image eye using a camera differentiating outline sclera pupil from encoding demodulation also removes reflections intrusion lid lashes lens etc code bytes pattern comparison test statistical independence compare codes bits eyes following formula mask b h d this called hamming distance performance on mhz workstation execution times for steps in listed below operation time focus millisec scrub specular localize fit pupillary boundary detect both eyelids remove edges iriscode creation xor two iriscodes micro sec comparisons can be performed second registered trademark iridian technologies...

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