overview the iris as a biometrics the iris is an overt body that is available for remote assessment with the aid of a machine vision system to do automated iris ...
Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 30 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Overview the iris as a biometrics is an overt body that available for remote assessment with aid of machine vision system to do automated recognition technology combines computer pattern statistical inference and optics spatial patterns are apparent in human highly distinctive individual clinical observations developmental biology structurethe o structuref se ofen hu man eyetransverse section structure seen frontal its suitability exceptionally accurate biometric derives from extremely data rich physical genetic independence no two eyes same apparently stable throughout life protection by transparent window cornea protected internal organ eye externally visible so noninvasive imaged distance disadvantages use measurement small target cm acquire about m moving located behind curved wet reflecting surface obscured eyelashes lenses reflections partially occluded eyelids often drooping deforms non elastically pupil changes size illumination should not be or bright cs q part i emerging r wi...