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picture1_Iris Recognition Ppt 70263 | Ppt Biometric 11 2000

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File: Iris Recognition Ppt 70263 | Ppt Biometric 11 2000
biometric measurable physiological and or behavioural characteristics that can be utilised to verify the identity of an individual include fingerprints retinal and iris scanning hand geometry voice patterns facial recognition ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 30 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Biometric measurable physiological and or behavioural characteristics that can be utilised to verify the identity of an individual include fingerprints retinal iris scanning hand geometry voice patterns facial recognition other techniques they are interest in any area where it is important true face finger print live scan chip writing speech multimodal referensi http homepage ntlworld com avan ti whitepaper htm www biometrics org...

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