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picture1_Statistic Ppt 69236 | Conceptsinstatistics 11 Chi Squaretests

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File: Statistic Ppt 69236 | Conceptsinstatistics 11 Chi Squaretests
big picture hypothesis tests that the chi square test statistic can address goodness of fit test test a claim about the distribution of a categorical variable in a population the ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 29 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Big picture hypothesis tests that the chi square test statistic can address goodness of fit a claim about distribution categorical variable in population blood types for whites us is type o b and ab different asian americans independence relationship between two variables young adults gender related to body image homogeneity several populations does use steroids collegiate athletics differ across three ncaa divisions measures how far observed data are from null by comparing counts expected we expect see if true th e model family curves depend on degrees freedom one way table equals all skewed right with mean equal good only following conditions met sample randomly selected or greater these find p value cont t he at least as small significance level reject accept alternative likelihood results random samples have than calculated same gives values...

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