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picture1_Chi Square Test Ppt 69376 | Parallel Chisquare

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File: Chi Square Test Ppt 69376 | Parallel Chisquare
chi square test the chi square test is a popular feature selection method when we have categorical data and classification labels as opposed to regression in a feature selection context ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 29 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Chi square test the is a popular feature selection method when we have categorical data and classification labels as opposed to regression in context would apply each rank them values or p parallel solution calculate for all features at same time one if done serially contingency table two random variables label l b f null hypothesis are independent of other unrelated observed c under independence expected x d g n e can statistic given probability that it using value with very small probabilities deviate i significantly from assumption therefore considered important gpu implementation cuda key here organize enable coalescent memory access define kernel function computes architecture automatically distributes across different cores be processed simultaneously...

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