File: Nurse Ppt 67159 | Jordan Ferris Presentation
brief history law originally passed in 2001 updated in 2005 most recently updated in 2015 sb 469 biggest changes in 2015 stricter mot language staffing committee changes staffing plan language ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 28 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Brief history law originally passed in updated most recently sb biggest changes stricter mot language staffing committee plan and review req s nsab enforcement under nurse is illegal put limits on workhours that a hospital can require cna lpn rn to work no more than hours hour period defined week not the following th worked beyond agreed upon prearranged shift must have policy document all does change ability for volunteer requires non sit meetings be at least quarterly management direct care staff release nsm from assignment attend collective bargaining plans reviews much detailed new also explicitly states what covered...