File: 2010potential Impact Of Climate Change On Rainfed Agriculture Of A Semi Arid
physics and chemistry of the earth 35 2010 125 134 contents lists available at sciencedirect physics and chemistry of the earth journal homepage www elsevier com locate pce potential impact ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 17 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Physics and chemistry of the earth contents lists available at sciencedirect journal homepage www elsevier com locate pce potential impact climate change on rainfed agriculture a semi arid basin in jordan b c jawad al bakri ayman suleiman fayez abdulla jamal ayad adepartment land water environment faculty university amman bcivil eng department science technology irbid cdepartment horticulture crop article info abstract history is one most vulnerable sectors to as received december resources are limited countrys this study simula revised form april tion model dssat was used assess different scenarios wheat accepted june barley yarmouk analysis observed data showed differences between online cultivated harvested areas for both crops area with variations among years results from keywords that it able capture trend yield over realistically well predicted an average kg ha which close kgha obtained statistics dos gcm while higher rmse thanforwheat resultsforpredicting future theresponsesofwh...