university of calcutta syllabi f o r three year honours general degree courses of studies mathematics 2010 university of calcutta syllabi of three year b sc hons genl courses in ...
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...University of calcutta syllabi f o r three year honours general degree courses studies mathematics b sc hons genl in paper wise distribution i module and ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi marks group a classical algebra modern analytical geometry two dimensions c vector analysis evaluation integrals linear calculus programming game theory differential equations real valued functions several variables application statics dynamics particle tensor equation or graph hydrostatics rigid metric space complex probability statistics numerical computer practical problem sessional work viva statements well ordering principle first mathematical induction second proofs some simple results by divisibility integers the division algorithm gb greatest common divisor g d existence uniqueness relatively prime ax has integral solution iff divides are euclid s theorem if p ab then either there infinitely many unique factorization congruences statement chinese remainder problems fermat mul...