knowing is not enough we must apply willing is not enough we must do goethe brief history a precursor of competency modeling 1950 s john flanagan 1954 established critical incidents ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 27 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Knowing is not enough we must apply willing do goethe brief history a precursor of competency modeling s john flanagan established critical incidents technique as to the key methodology used in rigorous studies significant behavioral events that distinguish between average and superior performers it sixteen years later inspires david mcclelland discover develop term concept testing for competence rather than intelligence an underlying characteristic person which enables them deliver performance given job role or situation biased can be learned developed over time implication if competencies are made visible training accessible individuals understand required level matures certain characteristics abilities enable him her demonstrate appropriate specific actions boyatzis richard e competent manager model effective new york wiley p first empirically based fully researched book on developments behavior clearly defined outcomes like stressed importance systematic analysis collecting analyzi...