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File: Research Pdf 52617 | 457 1410007445
problems of education st in the 21 century volume 43 2012 110 understanding research paradigms trends in science education research sebastian szyjka western illinois university macomb illinois usa e mail ...

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...Problems of education st in the century volume understanding research paradigms trends science sebastian szyjka western illinois university macomb usa e mail ss s syyaaiuiueeuu abstract this essay offers several insights regarding principles qualitative and quantitative methods defining how they shape empirical process as well knowledge acquisition social a comprehensive discussion includes comparing assumptions techniques each paradigm description their respective strengths weaknesses these are examined terms past indicating that over last decades shift approach from to has occurred central thesis contends methodological decisions should be based pragmatism rather than pre existent set philosophies or beliefs irrespective context implications for discussed findings content analysis studies conveying often coincide with collective interest masses policy educational reform program developments key words introduction rarely contested notions within community empiricism produces ultimatel...

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