announcements class web page http www egr msu edu aviyente ece 457 05 htm lectures m w f 10 20 11 10 a m 221 natural resources building office hours ...
Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 03 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
The words contained in this file might help you see if this file matches what you are looking for:
...Announcements class web page http www egr msu edu aviyente ece htm lectures m w f a natural resources building office hours pm th am or by e mail appointment eb textbook principles of communications rodger zimmer and william h tranter john wiley edition is designed to complement this course focuses on providing practical experience you will learn material in that not covered vice versa no labs week there lab manual year everything be online requirements midterm exams february april final exam may weekly hw assignments include matlab hws should your own work copying assigned fridays due next friday except during weeks late accepted quizzes they unannounced based questions minutes long policies cheating any form tolerated includes are allowed discuss the with friends me however have write up homework make for missed if an excuse being please before honors option honor credit available typical projects either software hardware implementation component oral presentation past fm transmitter...