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picture1_The Environment Pdf 50510 | International Conventions

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File: The Environment Pdf 50510 | International Conventions
international conventions on environment to which sri lanka has become a party no conventions d a d r 1 the international convention for the regulation of whaling 1946 2 international ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 19 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...International conventions on environment to which sri lanka has become a party no d r the convention for regulation of whaling plant protection prevention pollution sea by oil high seas continental shelf fishing and conservation living resources relating intervention in cases casualties concerning workers against ionizing radiations wetlands importance especially as waterfowl habitats ramsar stockholm declaration united nations conference human prohibition development production stockpiling use chemical weapons their destruction world cultural natural heritage from ships marpol bacteriological toxic rotterdam trade endangered species wild fauna flora cites military or any other hostile environmental modification techniques migratory animals cms antarctic marine law amend vienna ozone layer early notification nuclear accident basal control trans boundary movements hazardous wastes disposal framework climatic changes combat desertification unccd biological diversity cbd prior informed co...

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