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25 Autograph Collecting Articles

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Andy yahya
Andy yahya

The following is a list of 25 txt files containing articles about Autograph Collecting. These articles can be used as ideas for modifying articles or reposting. Some snippets of file contents have been shown under the title. You can download all these files at once in 1 zip file for free on this page.

1. All About Autograph Collecting And Autograph Books
..... Before the advent of cell phones, television, ipods, computers, and other forms of technology, autograph collecting was one of the most treasured past times. This interest was done on all levels, the very young, the young adult, the mature adult, and even the more wisdom matured. In fact autograph collecting was so popular until there were special books produced especially for autograph collecting. This autograph collecting was not necessarily geared to celebrities only. Persons in the community were more accessible than movie stars and sports figures, so autograph collecting was popular throughout all walks of life. In the nineteenth century keeping an autograph book for the purpose of autograph collecting was a popular practice. As the word got around about autograph books and they became available at the local five and dime stores, it was a must have, just as the cell phone is today. The autograph book was even more popular in many areas than the personal diary. Many people during the 1950’s and 1960 have purchased autograph books. Most of these autograph books were designed for just what the name of the books implies and that is autograph collecting. These books were small, about eight inches tall by five inches wide. The book had 70 pages. Some books had different colored pages. Usually the pages were in pastel colors, such as pink, blue, lilac, yellow, and light green. The popularity of these books was unbelievable in high schools and on the college campus. These autograph books were circulated from classmate to classmate during the recess period and during social functions at school and away from school. There were two goals for this autograph collecting. The first goal and perhaps the most important was to get a signature from every classmate. Secondly, it was a desire to fill every page in the book. You were honored and delighted when someone, who was collecting autographs, asked you for your autograph. Those classmates who were high up the ladder rungs in popularity were sort out first. Sometimes in fact there would be a little line waiting to get the persons autograph. Even more so, everyone wanted to have the teachers, administrators and other school personnel sign their book. Getting these signatures had the same importance as it is to get celebrity signatures today. .....


2. All About Autograph Collecting And Family History
..... Since the TV series “Roots”, there has been a surge of interest in tracing family roots and history. Autograph collecting has been one of the avenues used to record this history. Now every other family seeks to have some kind of reunion once a year, every two years, or in rare cases every five years. Many exchanges are made at these reunions including autographs. Other items may be collected such as old letters, birth certificates, wedding documents, and baptism records. Some of these reunions and family affairs such as weddings, anniversaries, graduations, and other special programs provide many different ways for those who are autograph collecting to get autographs. There are planned programs with pictures of participants and those who are being honored or remembered. These printed programs and pictures can be items used for autograph collecting. Some families maintain a scrap book with these signatures and pictures for reference information on the family. How many times have you been to a family function and did not know all of the family who were present? Autograph collecting is a super way to get to know family and to have something to remember one by as a point of reference. If you are from a large family, autograph collecting may be the only avenue available to you to make some personal contact in a short period of time. Many collectors record information about the person on the back including date, place, and the relation. .....


3. All About Autopen Shortcuts In Autograph Collecting
..... Many celebrities use different methods for autographing in place of the real signature. Most autograph collecting is done solely for the real autograph of these people that are famous and well thought of. As we all know, celebrities of all kind are busy people, so a lot of the signature signing when not in person is done in a variety of ways. That is why, you can only be sure of an authentic signature or autograph in autograph collecting when you get it in person. In autograph collecting by mail and other exchanges, you need to know that you may get an autograph but it may be done not by hand or the celebrity‘s hand but by autopen or some other method. One of the most popular ways famous people have for sending out autographs for autograph collecting is by using a staff member to sign for them. Some famous people have a staff, so call PR staff, for the expressed purpose of signing autographed photo and distributing them or mailing them to individuals who are autograph collecting. In other words, if you receive an autograph via mail, it may not be the real thing. But at least you have something; it depends on the focus of your autograph collecting. If your autograph collecting is simply a hobby, a copied photo signature may serve your purpose. If your autograph collecting is an investment, then you want the real signature and need to pursue autograph collecting avenues that will provide you with the real signature. When you receive a non-authentic autograph from a celebrity, it should not be perceived as disrespect for fans or how they feel about their fans. Some celebrities may be too old, sick, filming a new movie or on the road touring to have time to give you a real signature. That is why some famous people use the autopen autograph. John Isaac Hawkins, an Englishman developed the first autopens. He received a US patent in 1803. Thomas Jefferson was one of the first to start using the device in 1804 for autograph collecting. The autopen is a machine that can duplicate a signature over and over. A signature is copied onto a template that is inserted into the machine. This mechanism will copy the signature onto an item such as a photo, 3x5 cards, or letter for autograph collecting. For the most part you can tell if an autopen has been used by it’s lack of natural flow, the signature is shaky as the autopen vibrates and the flow of ink is consistent, plus an ink blotch that looks like a period is at the end of the signature. .....


4. All About Manuscripts And Autograph Collecting
..... Old manuscripts are sometimes found in abandon old houses that have not been occupied in years. Antique collectors discover these treasures in their search for a variety of other items. Some of these manuscripts are not so valuable. The valuable ones make all kinds of media coverage because they are usually worth thousands of dollars. If your autograph collecting is done as an investment you need to go to yard sales, and house auctions. Many times parents die and leave the home place to children. They some times have no idea what is stored in the safes, draws, and closets of some of these homes. Quite some time ago a person who was autograph collecting came across a handwritten church deed and added it to their autograph collection. Every name on the deed was deceased. The church was at that time a major part of the community’s history. In the early days, manuscripts were handwritten. Very few people had a manual typewriter and very few people knew how to type. These handwritten manuscripts are considered a part of autograph collecting. These handwritten documents are valuable even more so with a signature. A faction of those who do autograph collecting, collect only manuscripts. Some even specialize within the subject of manuscripts and collect only governmental, historical or political manuscripts. In most cases, historical documents are treated as appreciating assets and cannot be depreciated. Signatures on the Charter of the United Nations and signers of the U.S. Constitution make these documents valuable investments if you are autograph collecting. If you find one of these documents or some other manuscript of this kind, it will pay to take it through the authentication process so you will know what you have. It could be the real thing and got lost in the process of being buried down somewhere by someone of another generation. This may be the super find for which you have been looking. Autograph collecting can be one of the most rewarding forms of collecting you can do. Other kinds of manuscripts that may prove to be very valuable are music scores or sheets of music. .....


5. All About The History Of Autograph Collecting
..... As we look back to the beginning of recognized autograph collecting, we know that literacy was not what it is today. A great deal of the country did not read or write. The United States was mostly an agrarian nation. Autograph collecting in America did not get on good footing until 1815. According to newspaper accounts, William Sprague of Albany and Israel Tefft of Savannah were the first major Americans to start autograph collecting. People lived off of the land and there was little of no need for literacy as it related to their immediate livelihood. Transportation and communication was in its infancy and not what it is today. Therefore before you could do autograph collecting a degree of literacy had to be in place. During the colonial period, the ability to write was a reflection of your socio-economic status in the community where you lived. The style of script was supposed to match your social identity. Black slaves and non-elite women were denied the opportunity to learn to write. Nevertheless, commercial white men were encouraged to learn to write and to read. It was when writing literacy approached 100% among white Americans that autograph collecting begin to come to the forefront in this country. Handwriting analysis or graphology became increasingly popular after the Civil War and into the twentieth century. With the rising interest in individuality, autograph collecting became very popular with Americans. In the early 20th century, ordinary Americans wanted some individuality. The handwriting was one of those popular and desired forms of individuality notwithstanding autograph collecting. People could hardly contain themselves while waiting for the mailman to see if they had a letter from a love one. Stamps were check and mail was an inexpensive form of communication. Everybody had a desire to read and write and made an effort of sorts to learn. .....


6. All About The Uniqueness Of Autograph Collecting
..... For years, people have been collecting autographs in many ways and in many different ventures. In the early days, there were those who could not write. The few who could read and write were highly respected. In the early years an “X” represented a signature for those who could not write. Belief it or not some collectors have “X” signatures in their collection. If you were not a part of the elite class in the early days, your chance of getting an education was not to be. You had to work on the land for the most part to make a living. Your working hours were the “sun up to sun down” shift. It was during the early years, when autograph collecting became very popular. Every other person wanted you to autograph something for them as a keepsake. It is amazing but this love for autograph collecting is just as popular today and it may be even more so. Why? An improvement in transportation and communication makes this possible. People are more accessible to each other. Even more so, more people can read and write today than yesteryear. Autograph collecting is not always done on paper. Some collectors had their shoes autographed by close friends and family members. Many of these shoes serve as part of a personal autograph collection. During the 1940’s and 1950’s, it was a popular pastime for high school students to have the saddle oxfords signed by classmates. Only the white part was autographed. These popular shoes of the day were either black and white or brown and white. In yard sales and antique sales, you just may find these treasures representing a time in our history. Autograph collecting today involves the signing of clothing items such as caps, t-shirts, jeans, jackets and other pieces of clothing. High school students and especially seniors still do a lot autograph collecting. Some high schools have what is called “signing day. .....


7. How Are You Autograph Collecting At Conventions
..... Autograph collecting takes time and concentration in almost every situation. Therefore you don’t want to miss out on great opportunities or chances to pursue your hobby or a chance to add to your livelihood. What greater way is there to collect autographs than at one of your professional, church, political, fraternal, or social convention. If you are an active individual, and you must be since you are a collector, you will attend one or more conventions each year. You never know who you will meet at these conventions. So when you attend these events be prepared for autograph collecting. Many conventions have noted and well known guest speakers such as politicians, community activists, well known authors, and educators. If you purchase a book by an author and he is a guest at the convention, autograph collecting from that author is almost a sure thing. The nature of the convention will dictate more or less who will attend. Autograph collecting is limited sometimes when a convention is highly specialized, such as a convention for social workers, or a convention for day care workers and some of the other less poplar conventions. Even if you are not attending the convention it is sometimes possible to mingle among the conventioneers and get some autographs from noted speakers and other persons of interests. When you are autograph collecting you are giving a person a feeling of self worth. Who will refuse a chance to be recognized in a positive way? Conventions also provide many resources for you to use for autograph collecting. There are usually plenty of handouts pertaining to the convention plus there are other vendors there who are marketing. Some of these vendors hand out some of the things you may need down the road, like pens, pencils, and memo pads. If you by chance meet someone else who is autograph collecting, it affords you a great opportunity to exchange ideas about your collecting interest. It is very important to find out who is at these conventions. Have you ever been to a function and left and didn’t know a certain celebrity was there until you were back home? It is easy to do because at conventions you are not in all the sessions that take place at these conventions. If you are not in a particular session you just don’t know. .....


8. How Much Time Does It Take For Autograph Collecting
..... An investment in time may be all you need to become a success at autograph collecting. This hobby may be one of the least expensive hobbies. However, any hobby can become as expensive as you make it. There are many autograph collecting hobbyists. Some of these hobbyists are people of interests’ themselves. In this hobby you are able to set goals and schedule your time to pursue this hobby when you have time. All you are looking for when you are autograph collecting is a signature. To get a signature does not have to take a month of Sundays. At big gatherings where there are large crowds, it may take more time to get an autograph than in a small setting. If the person is very famous, it may take hours to get a signature, because more than likely the lines will be longer than for a local community leader. Nevertheless, the autograph of a famous person will be more special than some one in the local community. If you keep abreast of activities in the community and surrounding areas you can plan your autograph collecting to maximize the time you have to get your autograph collecting done. A great place to look for autographs is at your local mall. On special occasions, celebrities show up at malls and you just may get a real autograph without a huge investment of time. Some autograph collecting is done by mail. If you decide to get your autographs by mail, be ware you may not get the real thing. Even if you decide to use the mail for your autograph collecting, it still will take time. In fact it will take much longer by mail than autograph collecting in person, if you get it at all. Take your chances, if mail is the only way for you to reach certain individuals for autographs collecting. Autograph collecting is a very enjoyable hobby, but you will need plenty of patience, time and stamina. Make it a habit to be prepared to collect autographs wherever you go. When you are prepared you are using the same time for many different things. For an example, you may go shopping and run into someone who is on your list of autograph collecting. Take time then if possible and get the autograph and Walla you have killed two birds with one stone. You just never know when you are going to run into a celebrity in a moment’s notice. .....


9. How To Do Autograph Collecting The Inexpensive Way
..... We have always heard about the hoarding done by the packrat. In fact, when we find someone who has a problem throwing away things, the first thing we think of is the packrat. People have been collecting all sorts of things since the beginning of time. How many times have you heard someone called a packrat? Well some packrats today are known as collectors. However there is one major problem for some collectors, can you afford it? Many of you can not afford the autograph collecting that you enjoy so much and that means so much in your down time. Autograph collecting could mean buying concert tickets that are expensive. In addition, travel expense may have to be factored when going to a concert out of town. On the other hand autograph collecting can become opportunistic at various events, such as a weddings, anniversaries, vacations, honeymoons, and graduations. This is a good inexpensive way to do some autograph collecting. Some of these autographs collected have sentimental meanings to you. They may be reminders of a special event in our lives. That is why it is so devastating when valuables such as autographs are lost in catastrophic situations. In our everyday lives, most of us do not have an opportunity to meet the movie stars, sports heroes, musicians, idols and others that we adore so much. Therefore autograph collecting is one way you can become close to them and get a feel for your star. Die hard autograph collecting is done by sending something that can be signed such as an autograph book or a book a person you know who is going to a concert or other activity that your celebrity will appear. This is what is known by some as an exchange in autograph collecting. Decide on the autograph collecting you want done. Then look out for the itinerary of these individuals so if you can do some opportunistic autograph collecting, you can put it on your calendar. Let this list reflect all the autographs you want to add to your collection. This will help you to remember and keep you from missing out on a chance to do some autograph collecting. .....


10. How To Enhance Your Autograph Collecting
..... When you are collecting autographs there is always the possibility of not getting what you think you are getting. Unless you see the person sign his signature, you do not know unless you secure an Authentication Service. You say, but it cost money to have his service. Yes it does cost but only a true expert can authenticate a signature. If you plan to sell this signature one day, you certainly want to know exactly what you are selling. In this way, you will be saved hours of painstaking research and legalities later on. There are authenticators for ever kind of collecting, so it is of utmost importance to obtain the services of an authenticator who specializes in autographs. Autograph collecting can be an important investment tool for your future. You just may be glad you have a certificate of authentication later on if you decide to sell some of your collection. Make sure when you are autograph collecting that all autographs are in ink. Pencil quality is not reliable. It just may fade based on storage conditions, such as heat, humidity, and light. You may wish to keep your most valuable autographs in a deposit box in your local bank. Some people have had valuable collections totally destroy with house fires, tornado, hurricanes, floods and the like. If you have invested valuable time autograph collecting, you no doubt would like to protect this collection. Even with authentication, mistakes are still made. When you are autograph collecting and buy an authenticated signature, just as in medicine, a second opinion will not hurt. You must always remember that where there is greed there is fraud. Money somehow tends to bring the worse out of us on one hand and the best out of us on the other hand. Autograph collecting is also tricky from the standpoint that a signature can change. As you advance from one stage of life to another stage of life you may find a slight variation in signatures. You no doubt can remember making a letter one way at a certain time in your life and now you make that same letter different today. .....


11. How To Reach The Stars When You Are Autograph Collecting
..... Getting an autograph from one of your favorite personalities is not as easy sometimes as it may seem. Did you know that there are some celebrities who keep a record of who they send autographs to? But on the other hand some people who are autograph collecting have paid for autographs from the individuals. We know that an autograph collecting dealer will charge, but we are talking about the celebrity charging. Charging for signatures is believed to have started with sports memorabilia shows. Nevertheless, autograph collecting can be done without some of these encounters. Autograph collecting is done in many forms. It may be necessary for you to use a variety of ways to collect the autographs you have in mind. You may find a valuable letter written by a celebrity. Let’s say you find a letter written by Marilyn Monroe. Is that valuable? Indeed it is. A signature of Marilyn Monroe is just as popular now as it was when she was living. Remember when you are autograph collecting that the length of time a person lived as well as a person’s popularity will have a lot to do with reaching them via way of an autograph. The short life of Marilyn Monroe makes it almost impossible to get an original autograph of her. When you are autograph collecting remember that the longer a person lives, the more real autographs available. A good example today is trying to collect an autograph of Anna Nicole Smith. An autograph or writing by her may be worth more than some other celebrity who has been around for a long time. Because of her short life, autographs or any writing by her are hard to come by. If you are trying to reach a star, the best way to do that is to take your autograph collecting to an event where the star is performing. A part of the star’s schedule after the event, may include some autograph collecting time. Before and after many events, such as plays, movies, and some sporting events stars hold autograph sessions. .....


12. How To Buy Guidelines In Autograph Collecting
..... When you are not sure of what you are doing, it is best to start out small. While you are learning how to buy the inexpensive way is the way to go if you are autograph collecting. You sure don’t want to waste your money. It may not be your intention to buy to resale, but you sure want to be satisfied with your autograph purchase. You need to ask the dealer questions and more questions, such as the source of the autograph, how long the dealer has been in business, and you may even ask for customer references. Even with all of this, you still be dealing with someone who has less integrity than you desire. If the dealer provides evasive answers to your questions, or if he provides unsatisfactory answers to your questions, let that be a warning sign and do not rush into any offer no matter how good it sounds. Time is important when autograph collecting, nevertheless, it may be better to waste time then money. When you decide to resale your investment ten years from now, you want to be sure you have something worth selling. And even more so that the mementoes you pass on to your love ones were actually signed by your hero, not someone in the penitentiary serving time for fraud. You have to be smart, do some research, make contacts with other dealers and autograph collecting people and remember the old adage,” If it’s too good to be true, it probably is! Dealers who are respectable and with integrity will not mind such questions because they understand that you may be new to the hobby of autograph collecting and need to ask more questions to verify any purchase you make. .....


13. How To Make Autograph Collecting Fun
..... Autograph collecting must be fun since there are so many people involved in this wonderful pastime. If this is not Americana, just like apple pie and baseball, nothing is. In fact baseball for years has been one of the main avenues for autograph collecting. Children in particular who are able to go to baseball games during the summer months have increased the importance of recording history by collecting autographs on baseball cards. Every other kid it seems collect some type of sports cards. A lot of autograph collecting involves the signing of such cards. Not only children have a fascination with this type of autograph collecting but also adults. The sports cards, whether they are football, baseball, golf, or basketball, seem to be the favorite item for autograph collecting. During the days of Michael Jordan, autograph collecting on basketball cards took on a new meaning. Every other person wanted something with Michael Jordan on it. What better way to collect an autograph than via the use of a card. Children are great for exchanging these autograph cards. Autograph collecting has reached a new level because of this exchange of cards. When you buy a package of sports cards, you just may get some of the same cards you already have. Exchanging with others is a great way to get rid of your duplicates, if you want to, when you are autograph collecting. These cards are collected for the express purpose of getting the real autograph on them when the opportunity is there. Sporting events are packed full of fun when the professional teams come to town. It is good thing to have these exhibition games. These games are scattered about the country and through all the geographical regions. You have a good chance of getting some of your cards signed. The major professional leagues have exhibition games so the general public might get a chance to see a professional game close by. These games may not be in your home town, but somewhere near you. If you are autograph collecting, it will pay you, if at all possible to go so you can do come autograph collecting. Take you chances you just may get one of the big stars. If you have an interest in stock car racing another window of opportunity is opened to you. Again, there are many racing card packs on sale at collectible shops that you can buy. .....


14. How To Make Money Autograph Collecting
..... If you want to make some money autograph collecting you must be ready to make an up front investment. The amount will determine the goals you have for your business. In order to be successful, you should be organized and know the ins and outs of autograph collecting. Autographs must be the real thing to generate a good profit from others. People are not looking for copies when they buy autographs. Competition is keen in this field. There are several ventures from which to get autographs to sell. The best way to really make a profit is to do your autograph collecting in person. This is a sure fire way of knowing exactly what you are getting. Some autographs sell for more than others just as in the sales of other things. The price of autographs depend on the availability, in other word supply and demand dictates what price you will be able to ask for in resell. Remember there are a lot fraudulent copies on the open market. You will be competing with them in your autograph collecting business. You will have to learn how to detect scams before you make purchases from dealers and other people who do autograph collecting. With today’s technology, if you are not an expert, it is very hard to tell the real thing from a forgery. Perhaps your first move should be to make contact with an authenticator and get to know him. This will be a reliable source to clear up the reality of what you have collected. As you know it will not always be possible for you to get these autographs for resell in person. It takes some patience and you must watch the market for the supply and demand factor before making some of your sells. There are special wholesale autograph collecting dealers. .....


15. How To Write Successful Fan Mail To Enhance Your Autograph Collecting
..... Writing fan letters is one of the many inexpensive ways for autograph collecting to take place. But there are some guidelines that you must follow to enhance your chance of receiving these autographs via mail. Because of time, distance and accessibility of celebrities it is necessary to use other means to do autograph collecting. Since these important and famous people must read hundreds of letters, and maybe thousands of letters, the fan letter should be short and right to the point. You may limit your chances of autograph collecting with a long letter of praises and comments about their books, films, or albums. If the person is real hot at the time of your writing, it may take days, weeks, or even months for your mail to be read. It has been known to take as long as three years for some people to receive a response. Moreover some never do receive a response to a fan letter. Let’s remember that these people have very tight and challenging schedules. They find themselves in a position sometimes to be all things to all people. So when you are autograph collecting via fan mail you need to factor in some patience and extra time to get what you want - an autograph. There is a slim chance that you will receive an autograph if they have to read through many pages of prose to find your request for an autograph. Make sure the request is at the beginning of the letter, so if time is limited, they know what you want and can go about the business of sending it. They don’t have time to read all the accolades you want to give them. Nevertheless, they are happy that you have acquired posters, and other items of interests while autograph collecting. All these things that hobbyists collect add to the celebrity’s bottom line. A flattering letter in most situations increases your chance to get something in other scenarios of life, but not in this case. Brevity is the key to getting what you want in this situation. By all means type your letter, if you don’t type, have someone to do it for you. Remember time is of essence here and celebrities do not have time to decipher poor handwriting. If you must write, take your time and make it legible so it can be read quickly. It may be better to print this letter if you do not type. Autograph collecting requires some creativity in many instances to get what you want. Here is one of those times. Not only should you include your request at the beginning of the letter, but you need to highlight this request in some way. .....


16. How To Do Autograph Collecting In Small Town America
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17. How To Do Autograph Collecting Via Mail
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18. How To Do Autograph Collecting While Taking A Cruise
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19. What Are The Rewards Of Autograph Collecting
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20. What Factors Determine The Value Of Autographs
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21. What Are The Fields In Autograph Collecting
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22. Who Has Done Autograph Collecting
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23. Why Join An Autograph Collecting Clubs
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24. Why These Two Methods Are Used In Autograph Collecting
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25. Why Are You Autograph Collecting
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