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picture1_The Environment Pdf 50361 | 81 Ppt

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File: The Environment Pdf 50361 | 81 Ppt
atomic energy central school indore class xii biology module 1 3 chapter 13 organisms and populations neeraj kumar bamania pgt ss biology atomic energy central school indore neeraj bamania 1 ...

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...Atomic energy central school indore class xii biology module chapter organisms and populations neeraj kumar bamania pgt ss introduction the study of interaction or inter relationship living with their environment is called ecology are always interdependent interrelated mutually reactive term was coined described by e haeckel first authentically used reiter father autecologyis a species synecology relation group different branch science that studies between physical biological level organization in organism survival reproduction unit natural selection population dynamics evolution community interactions among ecosystem flux nutrient cycle biosphere global process ecological hierarchy levels connected grouping an smallest basic it may be microscopic g amoeba chlorella bacterium macroscopic rose mango crocodile dog human being can unicellular euglena chlamydomonas colonial volvox multicellular fish lizard tree...

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