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picture1_Environmental Pollution Pdf 50296 | Cvl100 Mj 15 C

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File: Environmental Pollution Pdf 50296 | Cvl100 Mj 15 C
department of civil engineering iit delhi nd cvl 100 environmental studies 2 semester 2014 15 major examination max marks 45 time 1 hrs serial no entry no group name note ...

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...Department of civil engineering iit delhi nd cvl environmental studies semester major examination max marks time hrs serial no entry group name note i assume the missing data information if any and state it clearly ii please do not ask doubts during iii exchange calculators pens pencils etc is allowed part a multiple choice questions silent spring landmark book written by rachel carson in highlighted problems due to excessive use pesticides b air pollution industrial operations vehicles cities c noise produced d none above loading unloading material construction phase project insignificant irreversible impact long term significant negative but reversible contamination confined ground water aquifer short increased turbidity nearby surface body inert suspended particles carried along with runoff from site proposed hydroelectric lower himalaya requires constructing dam creating reservoir this likely result degradation submerged vegetation thus release global warming gases habitat fragment...

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