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picture1_The Environment Pdf 50829 | What Is Environmental Pollution

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File: The Environment Pdf 50829 | What Is Environmental Pollution
what is environmental pollution the dictionary explains pollution as the presence in or introduction into the environment of a substance which has harmful or poisonous effects simply put environmental pollution ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...What is environmental pollution the dictionary explains as presence in or introduction into environment of a substance which has harmful poisonous effects simply put something that brings harm to our and turn people who exist based on how does occur occurs when pollutants contaminate surroundings about changes affect normal lifestyles adversely are key elements components generally waste materials different forms disturbs ecosystem balance with modernization development lives reached its peak giving rise global warming human illness types air water soil radioactive noise heat thermal light every form two sources occurrence point non easy identify monitor control whereas hard causes includes following industrial activities industries all over world brought prosperity affluence made inroads biosphere disturbed ecological balances contaminating both improper disposal wastes chemical resulting from industry can pollute lakes rivers seas too well releasing fumes dumping solid household comm...

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