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picture1_Types Of Environmental Degradation Pdf 50326 | Unit 5 Evs

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File: Types Of Environmental Degradation Pdf 50326 | Unit 5 Evs
unit 5 environmental pollution environmental pollution types causes effects and controls air water soil and noise pollution nuclear hazards and human health risks solid waste management control measures of urban ...

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...Unit environmental pollution types causes effects and controls air water soil noise nuclear hazards human health risks solid waste management control measures of urban industrial case studies definition is an undesirable change in physical chemical biological characteristics our land or caused by excessive accumulation pollutants i e substances which cause kinds thepollutionisoffourmajortypesnamely pollutionandnoisepollution terms origin it may be natural anthropogenic man made degradation quality atmospheric condition constitute the pollutant a gas particulatematter their particulate matter comprises small suspended particles such as soot dust pesticides etc agents spores pollen mites respiratory ailments asasthma chronicbronchitis carbon monoxide product incomplete combustion fossil fuels automobiles highly poisonous to most animals when inhaled reduces oxygen carrying capacityofblood hydrocarbons methane are evolved from microbes methanogens flooded rice fields swamps they also gene...

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