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picture1_Unit 8

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File: Unit 8
unit 8 types of ecosystems aquatic ecosystems structure 8 1 introduction objectives t 8 2 aquatic ecosystems i classification of aquatic organisms factors limiting the productivity of aquatic habitats classification ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 19 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Unit types of ecosystems aquatic structure introduction objectives t i classification organisms factors limiting the productivity habitats freshwater lentic lakes impoundments and wetlands characteristics lake b ota lotic rivers rivcr systems biota marine salient features l fe zones ocean oceans estuaries summary terminal questions answers glossary in you have learnt that are classified into terrestrial previous hve studied detail characteristic various terresterial this we will be discussing units general functions common to all how operate as self sufficient interacting biosphere consisting water main habitat known there three kinds fresh saline brackish freshwaters again two static called flowing read about these after studying should able describe ecological their explain process spring fall overturn compare oligotrophic mesotrophic eutrophic differentiate between define difference global waters cover quarters earth s surface either where salt content is less than per cent or fzosy...

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