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picture1_The Environment Pdf 49506 | Wed Green Tips

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File: The Environment Pdf 49506 | Wed Green Tips
world environment day connect with nature to save earth do you know world environment day also known as the environment day or eco day or wed this day is celebrated ...

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...World environment day connect with nature to save earth do you know also known as the or eco wed this is celebrated every year worldwide inspire people become active about and learn ways protect it on th june a promote caring for our planet little history was marked turning point in development of international issues first major conference convened help support united nations un held from stockholm sweden human two years later thereafter has been started an annual event aim raise global awareness importance healthy green lives theme each picks host city where environmental topics can be discussed followed by different kinds exhibits displays connecting country iscanada slogan only one spokane states cities countries settlements dhaka bangladesh water vital resource life canada ozone layer concern lands loss soil sylhet degradation without destruction future children new challenge decade ground toxic chemicals food chains ten after renewal concerns managing disposing hazardous waste ac...

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