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picture1_Letter Pdf 48898 | Up Shahjahanpupdf

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File: Letter Pdf 48898 | Up Shahjahanpupdf
no 3 19 11 2012 pp government of india ministry of minority affairs 11th floor paryavaran bhavan c g o complex lodi road newdelhi 110003 to dated 04 07 2014 ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 19 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...No pp government of india ministry minority affairs th floor paryavaran bhavan c g o complex lodi road newdelhi to dated the pay accounts officer new delhi subject grant in aid under centrally sponsored scheme multi sectoral development programme for concentration districts mcds uttar pradesh year sir shahjahanpur district continuation this s sanction letter even number releasing inter alia an amount rs lakh towards construction acrs kant and tilhar i am directed convey president release rupees twenty forty three thousand only as nd instalment govt implementing per details enclosed at annexure non recurring may be released through cas reserve bank nagpur state should ensure that proportionate share projects mentioned is agency alongwith central expenditure debitable demand major head governments grants plan schemes sub general welfare schedule casts tribes other backward classes minorities minor creation capital assets a copy utilization certificate st uc pending project further it cer...

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