memo to board of directors from company secretary subject appointment letter for non executive director gentlemen as i have said a few times we need to formalise director appointments in ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 19 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Memo to board of directors from company secretary subject appointment letter for non executive director gentlemen as i have said a few times we need formalise appointments in writing so that all parties clearly understand the terms s expectations them and their responsibilities wording suggest worded along following lines dear mr am pleased confirm limited has resolved you be offered position purpose this is basis your should willing accept would please sign return attached copy acknowledgement term will made pursuant constitution initially period expiring at next annual general meeting which time shareholders consider re election further up years thereafter one third retire by rotation annually may offer themselves reappointment resign notice any under corporations act cease certain prescribed circumstances role expected participate an active member attendance meetings currently per year membership committees agreed page strategic planning sessions subsidiary directorships required es...