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picture1_Letter Pdf 48375 | 3  Employee Promotion & Increment Letter

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File: Letter Pdf 48375 | 3 Employee Promotion & Increment Letter
on letterhead of the company date promotion salary increment letter dear mr ms it gives us immense pleasure to see your steady growth and sincerity while serving company short name ...

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...On letterhead of the company date promotion salary increment letter dear mr ms it gives us immense pleasure to see your steady growth and sincerity while serving short name for last months year years based consistent performance dedication you are promoted from earlier designation new we also happy inform that monthly ctc cost is reviewed fixed in will be w e f allowances incentives other benefits employment as per policies applicable time further review or shall after completion this joining all terms conditions appointment contract dated remain unchanged at expect continue put best efforts towards duties future well wishing a promising career with thanking regards pvt ltd director ceo place...

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