Power of Attorney letter (example in portuguese, the language accepted for this type of document) Eu, (insert here the data that the issuer of your power of attorney define as ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 18 Aug 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Power of attorney letter example in portuguese the language accepted for this type document eu insert here data that issuer your define as necessary preparation if you need include also more people household associated with address constitu o i mos meu nosso bastante procurador a empresa reship portugal atraves da responsavel maria helena morais portadora do nif rua d diogo goncalves n pnf quem confiro conferimos poderes especiais para tratar de todos os assuntos relativamente ao servico reexpedicao correspondencia minha nossa morada em write adress e levantamento ou encomendas nas lojas ctt pelos destinatario s inserir aqui local no dia mes ano assinaturas english fyi defined appoint company through responsible holder identification number and to whom we confer special powers handle all matters stores my our behalf regarding redirection service correspondence parcel by recipient place on day month year signatures...