sheet 1 about life cycle assessment template about author this template was created by grant faber for the university of michigan global co2 initiative it is based on version 11 ...
Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 15 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet about life cycle assessment template author this was created by grant faber for the university of michigan global co initiative it is based on version technoeconomic amp guidelines utilization found at link httpsdeepbluelibumicheduhandle purpose goal example to help streamline process conducting assessments emerging carbon capture and storage ccus technologies in a consistent comparable manner s existing how use users should fill out information scope worksheets guide rest study then relevant data points be filled inventory worksheet impact interpretation can structured written depending user type results desired httpswwwglobalcoinitiativeorg intended audiences anyone an lca technology readiness levels trls through from idea pilot trial may find value specific groups include developers practitioners entrepreneurs researchers investors corporate development executives tips listing sources as comments cells helps others again future writing explanations notes areas understand calcu...